Golang HTTP router

Golang HTTP router

BunRouter is an extremely fast HTTP router for Go with unique combination of features:

  • Middlewares allow to extract common operations from HTTP handlers into reusable functions.
  • Error handling allows to further reduce the size of HTTP handlers by handling errors in middlewares.
  • Routes priority enables meaningful matching priority for routing rules: first static nodes, then named nodes, lastly wildcard nodes.
  • net/http compatible API which means using minimal API without constructing huge wrappers that try to do everything: from serving static files to XML generation (for example, gin.Context or echo.Context).
RouterMiddlewaresError handlingRoutes prioritynet/http API
httprouteropen in new window✔️
Chiopen in new window✔️✔️✔️
Echoopen in new window✔️✔️
Ginopen in new window✔️✔️


To install Golang HTTP router:

go get github.com/uptrace/bunrouter

Creating Go router

Usually, you create a router per app/domain:

import "github.com/uptrace/bunrouter"

router := bunrouter.New()

And use it to add routes:

router.GET("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req bunrouter.Request) error {
    // req embeds *http.Request and has all the same fields and methods
    fmt.Println(req.Method, req.Route(), req.Params().Map())
    return nil

bunrouter.New accepts a couple of options to customize the router:

  • WithNotFoundHandler(handler bunrouter.HandlerFunc) overrides the handler that is called when there are no matching routes.
  • WithMethodNotAllowedHandler(handler bunrouter.HandlerFunc) overrides the handler that is called when a route matches, but the route does not have a handler for the requested method.
  • Use(middleware bunrouter.MiddlewareFunc) adds the middleware to the router's stack of middlewares. Router will apply the middleware to all route handlers including NotFoundHandler and MethodNotAllowedHandler.

For example, to log requests, you can install reqlog middleware:

import (

router := bunrouter.New(


You define routes by specifying a HTTP method and a routing rule, for exampleopen in new window:

router.POST("/users", createUserHandler)
router.GET("/users/:id", showUserHandler)
router.PUT("/users/:id", updateUserHandler)
router.DELETE("/users/:id", deleteUserHandler)


bunrouter.HandlerFunc is a slightly enhanced version of http.HandlerFunc that accepts a bunrouter.Request and returns errors that you can handle with middlewares:

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, req bunrouter.Request) error {
    return nil

bunrouter.Request is a thin wrapper over *http.Request with route name and params:

type Request struct {
	params Params

bunrouter.HandlerFunc implements http.Handler interface and can be used with standard HTTP middlewares. BunRouter also provides the following helpers to work with bunrouter.HandlerFunc:

For example, to use a classical HTTP handler with BunRouter:

router.GET("/", bunrouter.HTTPHandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
    // ...

Compat handlers

Using compatibility API, you can directly work with http.HandlerFunc handlers, for exampleopen in new window:

router := bunrouter.New().Compat()

router.GET("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
    params := bunrouter.ParamsFromContext(req.Context())
    fmt.Println(params.Route(), params.Map())

Verbose handlers

BunRouter also supports httprouter-like handlers, for exampleopen in new window:

router := bunrouter.New().Verbose()

router.GET("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ps bunrouter.Params) {
    fmt.Println(params.Route(), params.Map(), params.ByName("param"))

Routing rules

Routing rule is a path that contains zero or more routing params, for example, /users/:id or /image/*path.

BunRouter supports the following param types:

  • :param is a named parameter that matches a single path segment (text between slashes).
  • *param is a wildcard parameter that matches everything and must always be at the end of the route.
Route: /static

  /static          match
  /static/         redirect to /static

Route: /static/

  /static          redirect to /static/
  /static/         match

Route: /users/:id

  /users           no match
  /users/          no match
  /users/123       match
  /users/foo       match
  /users/foo-bar   match
  /users/foo/bar   no match

Route: /static/*path

  /static          redirect to /static/
  /static/         match
  /static/foo      match
  /static/foo-bar  match
  /static/foo/bar  match

You can retrieve the matched route params using Paramsopen in new window method:

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, req bunrouter.Request) error {
    params := req.Params()
    path := params.ByName("path")
    id, err := params.Int64("id")

Or using compatibility API:

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
    params := bunrouter.ParamsFromContext(req.Context())
    path := params.ByName("path")
    id, err := params.Int64("id")

Routes priority

Routing rules have matching priority that is based on node types and does not depend on routes definition order:

  1. Static nodes, for example, /users/
  2. Named nodes, for example, :id.
  3. Wildcard nodes, for example, *path.

The following routes are sorted by their matching priority from the highest to the lowest:

  • /users/list.
  • /users/:id.
  • /users/*path.

Routing groups

You can add routes using the router:

router.GET("/api/users/:id", handler)
router.POST("/api/users", handler)
router.PUT("/api/users/:id", handler)
router.DELETE("/api/users/:id", handler)

But it is better to group routes by functionality under some prefix:

group := router.NewGroup("/api/users")

group.GET("/:id", handler)
group.POST("", handler)
group.PUT("/:id", handler)
group.DELETE("/:id", handler)

Or even better:

router.WithGroup("/api/users", func(group *bunrouter.Group) {
    group.GET("/:id", handler)
    group.POST("", handler)
    group.PUT("/:id", handler)
    group.DELETE("/:id", handler)

You can also nest groups to build complex APIs:

router.WithGroup("/api/categories", func(group *bunrouter.Group) {
    // /api/categories/:category/items
    group.WithGroup("/:category/items", func(group *bunrouter.Group) {})

    // /api/categories/archive
    group.WithGroup("/archive", func(group *bunrouter.Group) {})

Groups can even have their own middlewares to further customize request processing.

Not found handler

To customize not found handler:

router := bunrouter.New(

func notFoundHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req bunrouter.Request) error {
		"<html>BunRouter can't find a route that matches <strong>%s</strong></html>",
	return nil

Method not allowed handler

To customize method not found handler:

router := bunrouter.New(

func methodNotAllowedHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req bunrouter.Request) error {
		"<html>BunRouter does have a route that matches <strong>%s</strong>, "+
			"but it does not handle method <strong>%s</strong></html>",
		req.URL.Path, req.Method,
	return nil

Testing routes

BunRouter exposes ServeHTTPError method that serves the request returning the error from the matched route handler:

router := bunrouter.New()
router.GET("/user/:param", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req bunrouter.Request) error {
	require.Equal(t, "hello", req.Param("param"))
	return nil

w := httptest.NewRecorder()
req, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/user/hello", nil)
err := router.ServeHTTPError(w, req)
require.NoError(t, err)